Reseeding races on the fly
William Ferguson
Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu
Reseeding in your meet manager
Generally speaking any reseeding of a race:
- Adding/changing swimmers
- Collapsing heats, etc
should be done within your meet manager.
When you have saved the changes in your meet manager you can then click on the Import Entries button on the Race tab to bring the updated entries across to Wylas Timing.
Reseeding within the Wylas Recorder
If you only have small changes, or don't have speedy access to your meet manager (eg when using the Hytek Database Adapter), eg if you need to add an extra swimmer into a race but can't do it through your meet manager. then you can:
- Put the swimmer in an empty lane.
If they are taking the place of one of the swimmers that has withdrawn, then make sure that you Edit Times and uncheck the "Update MM" box so that the time is not applied to the withdrawn swimmer in meet manager.
- They will get a time, but their name will show as "Unknown Athlete" on the scoreboard.
- Make a note of their name and time on your marshalling/recorder's sheet.
- Add the result into meet manager at the end of the meet.